I'm sitting here looking at the countdown widget on my computer. It displays days, hours, minutes, and seconds. I can't get over the fact that the seconds go tick tick tick and don't slow down. There's no way to pause the time passing by.
It seems like this weekend has passed incredibly quickly. I feel like only yesterday we took Lucas to the airport and I began to prepare for the big recital weekend. I don't know what I was expecting; would the ground fall out from underneath me once I had danced on stage for the last time with CAPA? Would life even continue after that? But, here I am. And this weekend has seemed somewhat anti-climactic; it's over as quickly as it started. And that's that. I'll never get back the years I spent as a CAPA student, although I do wish I could re-do lots of parts and give 10-year-old me some advice about pirouettes and general work ethics. But that's not possible; the only thing to do is to keep moving forward.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I'll be going into a completely new phase of life in a few days, and all I can do is take the advice that I would give to Little Me and apply it to my life now. I'm sure in ten years, I'll want to come back to this moment and give myself some advice, but right now, it's up to me to guess blindly at what that advice is. This is growing up...
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