Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things I am looking forward to

I decided to compile a list of all the things that I miss about California! I'll be home in exactly 2 months today, and these are all of the things I'm looking forward to seeing/eating/experiencin

  1. Mommy and daddy
  2. Having my own bathroom
  3. In 'n' Out 
  4. Starbucks
  5. Olas and Bobbi's (Mexican food in general). I got so sick after eating the "Mexican" food here. Aussie's have not worked out how to use spices and seasonings yet. 
  6. Mandarin house
  7. Good sushi (Sushi Planet here I come)
  8. Real ketchup all the time
  9. Jamba juice (although boost juice is a close second) 
  10. Malls being open past 7
  11. Being free with my own car!
  12. Being able to drive my friends around
  13. Paige, Elena, and Joe Davis 
  14. Alllllll of my friends! 
  15. My dad yelling "hey BOOOOO" when he gets home from work Gryffin and Hoover
  16. American denim: shopping spree 
  17. CAPA
  18. My mom's piano playing (although Kimmy's musical abilities are always filling the Becker home with sweet sounds)
  19. My bed. I'm gonna sleep in it for a full 24 hours first day home
  20. The glorious sound of Katie McDonald's laughter
  21. Lauren Stevens's ability to know exactly what I'm thinking because we have the same brain 
  22. Alison Cosgrove (nuff said!!)
  23. Meeting Alison's boyfriend (I currently feel out of the loop completely not having met my best friend's boyfriend yet)
  24. Shelby Tupac's ability to make any moment into an awkward one!
  25. Katie Jo Ash's perkiness and perpetual willingness to gossip with me 
  26. Driving on the right side of the road! 
  27. Unlimited internet. Not having to pay for it by the megabyte or be concientious about loading too many Youtube videos. 
  29. Home-cooked meals in general
  30. Toilets that only have one flush option! I hate how the toilets here have a half and a full flush. It's such a pain trying to analyse and choose which flush to use. 
The countdown begins today! I'll be home in exactly 2 months and I can't wait. I am looking forward to seeing you all very soon :) 

Word of the day-
Snag = sausage

XOXO Big hugs <3

Sunday, September 25, 2011

General update on the end of term!

Holy moly, it has been for-ev-er since the last time I blogged and I'm really sorry! A lot of cool stuff has happened since last time though, so let me fill you all in :)

I have been so bad about taking pictures since I've been here, but I have seen so much cool stuff that I have been saving up to tell you all about. First of all, the wildlife here is INCREDIBLE! The birds you see in the trees around school are those beautiful sulphur-crested cockatoos (yes, I did research that one!!) and rainbow lorikeets. Out here in Kapunda, we see tons of kangaroos also, which are hard to photograph even if I was good about keeping my camera on me at all times, because they move incredibly fast. The other day while driving on the dirt road to Andrew's house, he stopped suddenly and pointed out a snake on the road! Apparently it was a brown snake, and they're really poisonous and deadly. I'll make sure to wear my boots when I'm out on long walks through tall grass!

I can't believe the semester is already halfway over. That blows my mind that in eight weeks I'll be done with my "freshman year" (I cheater because I started halfway through) and heading back to the States soon after. So far everything is going really amazing with school; I'm enjoying it, making great friends, and the weather is starting to warm up nicely.

Speaking of school, I have been doing really well too. I'm dreading this term a little, just because I feel like I barely scraped through last quarter and the assignments are gonna be bigger and badder this time around and plus: we've got exams coming up :(

Fortunately, I've got some friends in my classes now who I can study with for exams and I only have 2: psych and English. I'll have to admit though that I haven't been keeping up with my psych reading so I'll have my work cut out for me this term.

SO MUCH has happened since the last time I blogged!!

Firstly, Andrew and I went on an amazing trip to Perisher in NSW at the beginning of September. It was absolutely amazing. We flew in on Friday and left Sunday, but those two days of snowboarding were some of the best I ever had. We didn't do much on the day we arrived; we checked out the resort and had a nice dinner then watched a movie and went to bed pretty early. The next morning we had to get up and go rent all my gear (since a, I don't own any and b, I wouldn't have brought it all the way down here if I did!!) We got out onto the mountain around 9am and went hard until noon, at which point we stopped to eat. The weather was absolutely beautiful, not a cloud in the sky and just a touch of wind to keep one from sweltering under waterproof clothing (nothing worse than snow in your pants). Then we went back out in the afternoon but called it quits when we both could barely stand up anymore. We had an early dinner at 6:00 and shared a bottle of wine... And due to that, we fell straight asleep at like 7:30 and slept through the whole night until around 8 the next morning. Talk about tired; that night was about the most physically exhausted I have ever been in my life. I was dreading the next day a little as I think Andrew was too, but once we got out there and started warming up, we weren't hurting much at all. We were feeling pretty proud of ourselves for toughing things out and around 10:00 we took... WAIT FOR IT... The "SKITUBE" to another mountain and boarded there for a while! The skitube was this super-cool mountain subway type of thing because (Andrew and I didn't realize how huge the resort was) but there are 3 mountains altogether and it's impossible to walk between them! We hung out there for about an hour. We didn't stay warm for long though; the second day it poured rain and by 2:00 when we had to pack up and leave, I was soaked all the way through to my socks and somewhat glad to be leaving the mountain for the day. I wish that trip had lasted longer because with snowboarding (and I'd imagine skiing as well), 2 days is just long enough to really get into the groove and having to leave just after that really bummed us both out. I think we want to plan on going again next year on a longer break because it was such a blast and it felt good to be relaxed and ready for another tough week at school. :)

A few other cool things that happened since last time I blogged are the toga party I attended and now a week of holidays to report on! I won't go into much detail about the toga party... Those who matter already know how that night went. :) All I can say is that the worst part of a toga party are the togas because they don't stay on very well and safety pins are SHARP as.

Now Andrew and I are up in Kapunda for mid-semester holidays and it has been really nice.

We kidnapped his little sister from school on Thursday because it was like 25 degrees (80 F) so we took Kimmy to the beach! It turns out that when it's stinking hot inland that means wind on the beach... Mind you all, it was still a gorgeous day off the sand so we just walked around and looked in shops after about an hour of getting blasted with sand. Kim and I agreed that alhough it was probably good exfoliation ;), it didn't feel so great to have sand blasted into every bit of your face, arms, and legs. We're all looking forward to the days where the water is beautiful and you can spend all day in the sun (as long as you wear good sunscreen and a hat!).

Then, Andrew's roommate, Evan (who is Canadian), came up north to see us for the past few days, which was really fun. Evan is a motorbike person, so he had fun riding with Andrew and I. I've never been so adventurous on the quad and I'm pretty sure I nearly died a few times, but all-in-all yesterday was a really fun day. At one point, I was driving the quad with Andrew holding onto me and we were going fast through what we thought was a nice smooth paddock, when the next thing we know we were like 4 feet in the air! We looked back and there was a massive bump camouflaged by nice smooth grass. Andrew was pissed at first ("WHY weren't you looking, stop driving recklessly") until we both started cracking up when we realized how unavoidable and FUN it actually was to go off of jumps like that. We did it like 6 more times on our way out. :) At another bit, Andrew and I were stopped and watching Evan come towards us on the bike. He was about 100 feet away when the bike just started revving. Andrew and I were both thinking "Oh, he'll stop just in time, he's justk idding around but he knows what he's doing..." Until he hit the kill switch about 20 feet away and gently ran right into the quad as he jumped/fell off the bike and over the quad. It was a bit scary after the fact when he told us that the exhaust got pinned and he couldn't stop, but luckily he DID know what he was doing and knew to hit the kill switch. If that had been me, I probably would have died... Whew.

Last night, Andrew had a few of his mates over for tea and a fire and we ended up getting a bit reckless with the branches... We discovered that we could take SWEET pictures, with the combination of branches lit on fire and the slow shutter setting on Evan's camera. We had fun spelling out funny words and making cool shapes in the night sky, and enjoying a delicious meal cooked by the fabulous Becker girls, Susan and Kim.

Today, Evan left just 10 minutes too soon! We got to see James, an old neighbor of the Beckers', herd his sheep. It was probably one of the most amazing things I have seen since I have been in Australia. James and his dog, Sid, could have done it alone I'm sure, but today there were about ten of us just driving behind this huge herd of sheep and forcing them down the road. The coolest part was getting the sheep out of the Beckers' paddock and onto the road though. This dog, Sid, is the most amazing dog I have ever seen. He is so well trained that it's almost as if he could talk to the sheep just like Babe did! This dog is the smartest dog ever. I mean James can  tell him "from behind!" and this dog will go straight to the back of the pack and get those sheep to go exactly where James wants them. It was so... Synchronised and amazing and incredible and dirty and everything.

Next week we are going to watch James's sheep be shorn (that's when they shear off all the wool)!! I'm pretty excited because I like the farm life, minus how many bugs there are everywhere because it's starting to warm up.

All-in-all, I am really enjoying everything down here :) I miss everyone and everything back at home so much but I'll be seeing everyone sooner than it seems!

I've got a few exciting things on my horizon, including my eighteenth birthday. I'll be having Andrew drive me straight to the Bottle-O on October 5th so that I can LEGALLY BUY ALCOHOL. What. A. Novelty. ***DISCLAIMER: I am not an alcoholic, I just think it's so cool that I'll be able to order a glass of wine at dinner legally in less than 2 weeks (instead of in 3 years like I'd have to at home)!!

After that, I'm going with Andrew to see the Wombats (thanks Mom and Dad) on October 16. After that, it's the home stretch to the end of the year and I'll be back in California seven weeks later :)

My Aussie word of this post is... Powerpoint. The electrical outlets here are called powerpoints.

XOXO I love you all :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mommy and Daddy

This one is for my parents.

I haven't written an entire post about them since I got here. I don't know why; probably because I've had too many emotions inside me that I couldn't even fathom trying to get the words out. But here they are. And mom, if this makes you cry, I'm sorry... ;) But dad, if this makes you cry, it's payback for the socks!

Okay well where should I start? I used to think when I was little that my parents should love me more than they loved each other. Why? Well I was their little princess of course! I used to always ask mom "do you love me or dad more?" and dad "do you love me or mom more?" These were silly questions to ask, of course, and they always answered: "I can't choose between you two, I love you both so much!"

I get that now. And I respect them both so much. Each time I see their faces on my computer screen, I miss them so much more. They're so amazing. I used to wonder how, after twenty-five years of marriage, they still keep that flame alive. It's so clear that they are still madly in love with each other, how I always see them holding hands, come home from a late night out with friends and see them cuddling on the couch together, play chauffeur and drive home from dinners out and look in the rear-view mirror and see them kissing...

They both have such big hearts, and I think that shows in me. I have the most functional, loving, adult relationship of anyone my age, without a doubt, and it's all because I have had an amazing example of what a model relationship should be like set for me in the past 18 years. I want to be a teacher because I have always been treated with dignity by the adults in my life, especially my mom and dad. I have been given so much love throughout my (almost) 18 years... Actually over 18 years because they loved me before I was even born. Growing up, they were always my best friends, without a doubt. I have so many goofy pictures of me as a little girl, making silly faces with my daddy, playing tug-of-war with my dad as he gave me a bath, baking with mommy, my face covered in flour. The best memories of my childhood involved the two of them.

Every time I see them on my computer screen, I can't help feeling a little bit guilty for them. I imagine being in their position, thinking "Wow, we poured 18 years of our lives into that kid, work hard to raise her, spend a large percentage of our money just to fulfill her needs, and what to we get? She desserts us for a boy! Harrumph!" But right after that, I smack myself in the head and say "Get a grip: that's exactly why they did all of that for you! So that you could grow up to be a whole person, have a level head, know what you want to do, and go for your dreams!" And I love them for giving this to me. They have done so much for me to be able to be where I am right now, and as much as I'm sure it kills them to have me living so far away (I know it kills me! I miss them like crazy!) I know at the same time they are so proud of me because they somehow, even from thousands of miles away, still manage to remind me of that every single day.

Today I recieved a package in the mail from them! How cool is that? Inside were more things from home to make me feel more comforted over here. DVDs, my bathrobe, instant Ramen noodles (they really aren't kidding when they say this is college kid food), some new clothes. But the socks, those are really what kills me.

Every year, for either Fathers' Day, his birthday, or Christmas, I get my dad a package of socks. I always choose the thickest and softest ones I can find, because that's what I like best. And unfortunately for my dad, I always end up stealing the poor guy's socks. Half my sock drawer is filled with my parents' socks because they're just so dang comfy. So, tucked in with some crew socks that my mom and I fight over constantly, was that one pair of greenish-gray socks that I always stole on Saturday morning before dance class (they are the best for turning!). As I sat on the edge of my bed with my back to Andrew (who was sprawled out relaxing after a long day of dealing with my stress), I held the socks in my hands and just began to weep. Not out of sadness, necessarily, but just because I love them so much. They are so thoughtful; they have given me so much throughout the past 18 years.

Tonight, as I fall asleep, I'll look at their pictures that are taped up on my wall next to my bed. A picture of me hugging my mom tight just before leaving for senior prom, she so happy to see her little girl turn into a young woman, a picture of dad and I at graduation with me giving him a big smooch on the cheek and him grinning with joy at the success of his little girl. And I will miss them sooo much, as I always do, but I'll know that I'm the person I am today because of them, and that I couldn't be here without their guidance in my life.

I love you, mommy and daddy, and even if there's some days that I don't get to talk to you guys, know that I think about you every night before I go to sleep. Only 3 more months till the Three Musketeers reunite :) miss you guys. xoxoxo Love, Bug <3

Monday, August 15, 2011


Hi everybody!!

I just wanted to say hi quickly and let everyone know that I have worked out how to get my mail here! I'm slowly but surely turning into a real Hallie... ANYWHO. If you wanna send me anything (letters, care packages, pictures, checks with 6 figure sums... etc.) then you should write on the envelope/box/oddly misshapen package this address:

Shannon Goulding
Flinders University Hall
Sturt Road
Bedford Park, SA 5042

I love you all oodles! <3

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hair in the drain. :/

Hi everyone!

I feel like I've been starting off every post like this but... I'm sorry I haven't blogged in forever! I've been getting fairly busy with homework, and also haven't had tons of exciting stuff to talk about... But here I am. AND GET READY TO READ A LONG POST!!!

Okay I'll start by answering the question that EVERYONE has been asking: How are classes going??

My favorite class is English. It's a creative writing class and I'm learning... well, how to write creatively. In under two weeks, I have read more than I have since AP testing. To those who will understand this reference, it's harder than the last month of Berman's class. Yeah, seriously. Although it's rough and heavy, I've already learned so much and since I'm a primary education major, it's gonna help me teach young ones how to write. :) Drawback: I have a paper due in two weeks about which I have no idea what to write. This quarter is a research report, but what I'm really drooling for is the short story assignment that will be due next quarter. I've already started writing it... Gah.

Next is psychology. Slightly less heavy of a workload, but still a lot of stuff to learn. The lectures consist mostly of taking notes, and we have only had one tutorial as they are fortnightly and it's only week 3. I'm enjoying it and it's interesting to hear how learning happens and all that jazz. BUT there's a very similar drawback to this class: the research report. I've started doing some research already but I have to read psychology journals and that kind of thing and they are so dense and tedious to read...

Third is linguistics. A little bit on the boring side, just in the way that it's taught, but otherwise the material is pretty interesting. I've always been interested in languages and how accents happen and why American speak differently from English people and that type of thing, and that's exactly what I'm learning about!

Lastly is maths... If you read my last blog, you know all about this class already :| the topic material is getting a little bit tougher... This week we learned about basic geometry and the concept behind logs (how when you multiply two numbers you add the exponents) and that kind of thing. Getting tougher, but still very much on the easy side for me.

OKAY. Now that all that is out of the way, here's the exciting news: I'm finally making some friends and getting totally settled into my dorm room. Andrew and I finally went to Big W (Australia Target/Walmart) and got my pictures printed so every one of my friends is up on my wall smiling at me. I feel a little closer to home :) I've also worked out the laundry in my building (huge pain in my butt).

One thing that sucks about being here right now though: Not being 18! October fifth couldn't come faster. I can't go to any events here that are in clubs or bars or anything. :( for example, my hall has a beer pong tournament, and tonight was the championships and they had them at a nightclub and even though (for mom and dad!) I probably wouldn't drink anyways, it'd be fun to be able to go and hang out with my new friends and try and socialize a little bit more. People keep saying that I need to just get a fake ID but I don't want one because I want to wait and let the excitement build up for a few months before I go out and enjoy the Adelaide nightlife. Plus, it'd suck to get caught and risk losing my visa or anything like that.

I'm learning little tricks to save time, space, and money:
1) An apple and a glass of water DOES count for breakfast.
2) Tap water is just as good and usually better than bottled water.
3) When you oversleep and don't have time to wash, blowdry, and style your hair in the morning, put baby powder in your hair! It soaks up all the oil and gets rid of those icky greasy roots.
4) Save all ggrocery bags and cardboard boxes! They make great storage space and trash bags!
5) Buy hooks for your dorm room (thank you Katie McDonald!!) because there is never enough space! And if you don't, you just end up throwing your jacket and purse in the corner when you get home from somewhere. And let me tell you: your dorm room will probably be half the size of your current room, so a purse and a jacket can quickly turn into a chaotic pile that seems larger than Mt. Everest. You won't have any floor space to spare, so utilize the walls!!! Plus, not having a rack to hang your towels on can quickly turn into a big, stinky problem.
6) Bring a power strip if you aren't sure if your dorm room will already have one. I only have 2 outlets in my room and with a laptop charger, a phone charger, a heater, a heating blanket, and hair stuff to plug in, 2 just is not enough.
7) BRING A BATHROBE. My mother tried to tell me this one, but did I listen? Nooo I did not. I regret that. The bathrooms here are just a stall with part of it curtained off, but the whole floor gets wet. So it sucks having to put on any sort of shorts or pants with nasty wet shower feet, thus, a bathrobe is optimal.

Shoutout to the best friend Katie McDonald! She had surgery this week and is making a swift recovery and I'm so proud of her for being such a toughie! I love you Banaters and I'm sending you lots of hugs from down here :) xoxo

BATHROOM UPDATE: All is well in the Hall bathrooms. This will conclude my weekly updates on the lavatory. The only thing there is that's worth telling is the grossest thing ever is HAIR IN THE DRAIN!!! It literally makes me want to barf a little, especially because it gets all matted up and it looks like a big hairy bug or something. I'm even scared to stand near the drain because it's so horrifying and I feel like I'm going to get eaten alive. SOOO I have started wearing flip flops in the shower.

Not much else to tell! Shoutout to all my friends who move out/start school next week :) exciting and nerve-racking and heart-wrenching all in one!

I love and miss you all :) xoxo

QUICKLY: you don't have to have a profile to comment! Just comment as 'anonymous' but sign your name!

Word of the day:
Salads. At Subway here, they don't ask you what types of vegetables you want on your sandwich/wrap. They ask you what kind of SALADS you want. Wtf?? Also, they call bell peppers capsicums and they pronounce the 'h' in herb. Also, continuing with my Subway rant, they were OUT OF MEATBALLS today... What?? Andrew was all excited about his double-meatball-sub until he found out he had to order turkey instead. Poor baby :(

Cheers and good morning to those just waking up :) I'm off to bed! As always, thank you for reading :)

Shannon <3

Monday, August 1, 2011

Mini thank you

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads this and thanks for the feedback yesterday :) well today I guess since it's the evening for you guys and morning for me. PS it's like... hot today. WOOOO!

Catch ya later :)

Bathroom update

Now a week has gone by... And I still spend as little time in the Hall bathroom as possible. I don't know why... Maybe it's the fact that there's two bathrooms on my floor. I've used both and I'm still not sure if there are designated men's and women's bathrooms.

Here's my reasoning: Try to get a mental picture. Think of my wing as an H. I live in the bottom left part of the H. I know for a fact that girls live on the upper left part of the H. However, the upper half of the H share a bathroom and the lower half share a bathroom. BUT, I met a guy the other night who lives in room 3307 (I'm 3317 which means he lives in exactly the mirror image of my room. AKA the bottom RIGHT part of the H.) Theoretically, if I could control things, I'd make the whole bottom half girls and the whole top half guys, that way the girls could share the one bathroom and the guys could share the other. But it's not that simple.
1) I have seen girls enter and leave both bathrooms. I have even used both bathrooms.
2) I have never seen a guy in either bathroom.
3) I HAVE, however, seen a men's razor and men's shaving cream in the far bathroom.
4) I have also used the toilet in the far bathroom when I have had to put the seat down. And we all know which gender NEVER REMEMBERS TO PUT THE SEAT DOWN.
5) Neither bathroom is marked as guys' or girls'. I assume that this means it's sort of a free-for-all.

Now, not that I'm completely weirded out by guys and girls sharing the same bathroom. I could care less. It's just foreign to me... And I feel awkward since I'm not a hundred percent positive that's how it's actually working...

Either way, I'm going to keep using my detective skills and I'll keep you readers updated on the bathroom sitch.

In other news, I've started my tutorials today! In my math class, we've been learning how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. The first problem, I kid you not: (4 - 7). This is probably the most brain-numbing class ever. I would honestly rather be taking a near-impossible math class because I'd have something to actually engage my mind in. But no. In this class today, I did the "tutorial assignment" beforehand, because I assumed it would be collected in the tutorial. Oh, how wrong I was. My instructor spent 35 minutes going through every single problem on the whiteboard, in very inadequate English, might I add.

Let me translate a few words for you:
Number = lumber
Negative = nacteev
Denominator = delomulator

At one point, we, the students, had to explain to him how to do a problem because he didn't understand in English what a family of fractions was. He said "I don't know how to translate into Chinese so that I can understand this."

I'm not trying at all to be racist or stereotypical in any way, I'm just trying to convey the difficulty of getting one's attention to latch on to a person whose speech you can't understand while they try to explain to you how to add 1/2 plus 1/4.

Here's a little side story to take a pause from the school-related news.

     On Saturday, I spent the day mostly with Andrew's little sister Kim, who also happens to now be my adopted little sister. She's so cute and we get along so well :).
     ANYWAYS, we go into this really cute store called Live. I'm looking around at the jeans, wondering what size I'd be in Australian sizes. This really nice salesgirl comes up to me and starts helping me choose jeans to try on. I can't deny her the satisfaction of helping a foreigner find their size and favorite cut, so I let her do her job. Maybe I'll even but her a pair.
     So there I am in the dressing room, trying on tons of adorable jeans that fit me perfectly, until I look at the price tag. My stomach dropped to the floor. $280 AUSTRALIAN. That makes almost 300 bucks American. No way can I afford these jeans.
     "How ya goin' with the jeans??" I hear her call to me. I started to sweat. Oh God, how am I going to get out of this one? I ask myself. Just then, my brain thinks up the most brilliant plan. I grab the pair that I like best and leave the dressing room in my own reasonably-priced clothes.
     "Are those the ones??" The salesgirl asked.
     "Yep!" I said cheerfully. "I just need to run and find my boyfriend who has my credit card on him." Lie.
     "I can only hold the jeans for half an hour..." she said reluctantly. "Do you think you'll take longer than that?"
     Yeah right, I thought. Like you'd really sell those jeans in half an hour anyways.
     "Oh no, he's just a few shops over..." I told the girl.
     Then, I grabbed Kim, and made my swift escape, never to return to the store again. Whew.

Anywho. Saturday night, I spent a nice night at Andrew's sister's boyfriend's parents' house. That's a mouthful. And Sunday, Andrew and I spent a gorgeous, sunny day in Glenelg near the beach, where I managed to make it all day in a pair of shorts.

And that's my life story. Keep checking back for updates.

I miss everyone so much. Especially my mom and dad. And my friends. And my dogs. Okay, I guess I just miss everyone a lot. I can't wait til all you guys move into your dorms and start your classes so I can hear your stories too :) I also can't wait to see everyone. Exactly 4 months!

Talk to you all soon.

Flat white = a latte. Basically coffee with cream and lots of foam on top. My personal coffee drink of choice, although I also add two sugar packets.
Also, their coffee sizes are TEENY here.  large coffee from the cafe here at school is smaller than the smallest size at Starbucks.

PS PLEASE if you read this regularly, I'd love to hear from you :) even if it's you just clicking follow at the top right of the page, or leaving a comment. Even an anonymous comment I'd appreciate. Just let me know that you're there, reading my posts :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Settling In

Dear readers,

I’m terribly sorry that I haven’t blogged for almost a week. I’ve had quite the busy weekend what with celebrating Andrew’s birthday whilst also settling in at school, and if that didn’t take away all my blogging time, I don’t have internet in my room at school anyways. I am currently writing this as a Word document and will hopefully have my internet set up in the next few hours… I suppose if you’re reading this, it means I’m currently connected in my room right?

Moving back in after spending a week in Kapunda was quite comical. Andrew and I, weighed down with shoes, coats, and blankets realized after walking from the car to the automatic sliding doors to the dormitory that on the weekends they don’t open automatically; one must first scan their student cards (I assume this is just a precaution to keep out unwanted visitors). However, guess who didn’t have her student card because she hadn’t enrolled in her classes until earlier this week and then couldn’t because she came back to campus on a weekend? Yeah, me.  So there we were, waiting for some other kind Hall resident to swipe their student card so that the magic doors would open and let us in.

I had possibly the worst night’s sleep of my life last night! Okay maybe not the absolute worst… But I kept waking up every few hours and tossing and turning and all that jazz. My sheets are awful; they are the kind that cling to your legs and every time you move, they move too. And the fitted sheet seems to be a good six inches too big all the way around. I intend to go buy some nicer sheets later this week.

However, for the first time since I arrive down here, I was warm last night. I have a space heater in my room that is kind of like those heat dish things, whereas it doesn’t actually blow out hot air, but rather just heats up a metal plate. I prefer this way as it’s less intrusive and smells a lot better… I also slept with not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR blankets on top of me last night and I was totally cozy.

Also, I’m completely confused about the entire bathroom situation here. Andrew and I have been here at the Hall quite a bit recently and never have I seen anyone use the bathroom or the showers. And just now, at approximately 8:15 in the morning, I went in to use the bathroom, and it was empty. I peeked in the shower and it was bone dry. Oh yes, that reminds me… There’s one shower, one toilet, and two sinks for at least the six girls on my side of the bathroom and there’s another door leading to the bathroom. I am convinced that the one bathroom I’ve seen is simply not enough and there’s somewhere else that everyone is doing there morningly and nightly washing. I’ll keep you all posted on whether I find it or not.

Anywho, my first class isn’t until 2:00 today, as my first Monday class (which is at noon) doesn’t start until next week. This is due to the fact that my first class is a tutorial where they go over what you learned in the lecture, and you can’t have a tutorial without having a lecture first. This morning I’m going to go to the library and get my student card so that I can actually get into my dormitory by myself…

It’s raining today. I’m going to wear my new rain boots.

This week’s word of the day is rain boots, actually. Here, they’re called gumboots. Huh. Not sure if that refers to their purpose or the material of which they are made.


UPDATE: 8:52 am
I just went to the bathroom to wash my face… Still no apparent activity. Shower completely dry. Didn’t see anyone go in or come out. More updates to come. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pre-Uni Adventures

Hey how ya goin??

It's been just shy of a week, and I still have not adjusted to the cold... BUT I have figured out a way to escape it! Sit on the couch in front of the fire with your boyfriend :) it gets so cozy with a fuzzy blankie and sometimes you can even get Daisy the corgi to sit on your lap :)

The best adventures thus far have been on the motorbike and quad out in the paddocks. Some are full of trees and rocks, like obstacle courses, and others are just massive fields of grass and we can go through them at hyperspeed! Sometimes we can even find some sheep and herd them about and look at all the adorable newborn lambs :) AWW.

I'm starting to get settled. I have my bank account open now so I can spend all the money my parents gave me (just kidding Mom and Dad) and the only thing left is to get my phone set up to use here. Once I get that taken care of, I'll be fully settled in.

I've also got exciting news! Remember how, when asked, I told people that I'd be doing a Bachelor of Arts with psychology for a semester since Education didn't take mid-year students? Well, when I went into the BA office to ask which classes I should take, they told me that Education is taking mid-year students!! So I went into the international admissions office and asked for a course change application and BAM. If I get in I'll become a double major in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education. Now I'm just waiting to hear from admissions to see if I got in :) yay for saving a semester of tuition!!

For now, my classes are pretty cool: American pop culture, Australian history, creative writing, and psychology. I have Fridays off (Andrew does too) and have no classes before noon on any days :) I really am excited for classes to start. I decided that if I get into the education department (at which point I'll have to drop two of my current classes so that I can add two education classes) I'm going to drop psych and pop culture. I was looking at the list of important topics for primary (elementary) education and surprisingly psych is not on it. And I think it's important that I learn some history of Australia along with taking an English class.

I also decided (along with a suggestion from Andrew) that I end each blog from now on with one or a few slang terms or things that have different names that I've picked up on while I'm here.

Today's word is "timetable." A timetable is a schedule (usually for classes and such). For example, you wouldn't ask somebody what their class schedule is, but rather what their timetable is. Oh, and here, schedule isn't pronounced "SKEDULE" but rather "SHEDULE." The people here talk funny...

Ta-ta for now!


Thursday, July 14, 2011



I'm here in Australia! My flight was terrible, I didn't sleep much and I felt sick the entire time. One good thing about my flight was the adorable baby boy sitting next to me with his mommy and daddy. He had blonde curly hair and GORGEOUS blue eyes and was only about a year old and just learning how to walk. He was so well-behaved; he barely cried throughout the flight. When he did it was only a few times. Once during takeoff and once in the middle of the flight. Every time he would cry, the only way to make him stop was for his daddy to hold him really tight and rock him back and forth. At one point, his mommy was singing to him too.

I miss when I was little and that was the only way to calm me down too. My parents would wrap me up tight in a blanket so that I couldn't flail hysterically and they would take turns holding me and rocking me until I sobbed my little self to sleep. Sometimes, my daddy even sang to me. Yesterday, while I was sad and feeling rotten on my flight over here, that was all I wanted. For my mommy and daddy to hold me tight and sing me to sleep. But I had to figure out how to relax myself, so I got some gingerale, wrapped up tight in my blankie, and listened to some classical music until I fell asleep.

I'm feeling much better now. When I arrived in Adelaide, my boy was there right as I got off of the plane to greet me :) he gave me a huge hug, and told me how much he's missed me, and helped me get my luggage from the carousel. He also asked how I was feeling, and told me to never ever keep things bottled up inside when I was feeling sad, because he would always be there to comfort me. He's the best boyfriend ever.

As we drove to school and walked around there, it was clear nothing had changed. We were still the same goofy pair, constantly making each other smile and laugh, and it seemed as if we hadn't been thousands of miles apart for almost 2 years, with occasional visits in between. Needless to say, I love him so much and I'm so glad to be here with him :)

Except that it's SO BLOODY COLD HERE! I slept last night in sweats and a sweatshirt AND alpaca wool socks and a heating blanket and I was warm... but naturally the second I got up today I was freezing again... But Andrew made me a nice breakfast and warmed me up. It's clear that he's going to take good care of me over the next few months.

Anyways, Andrew and I are gonna go move all my stuff into my dorm room today. I'll post some pictures of it later once I'm settled in.

Bye for now :)
Love, Shannon

PS. I miss everyone at home so much and I can't wait to see you all in December.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Tick, tick, tick...

I'm sitting here looking at the countdown widget on my computer. It displays days, hours, minutes, and seconds. I can't get over the fact that the seconds go tick tick tick and don't slow down. There's no way to pause the time passing by.

It seems like this weekend has passed incredibly quickly. I feel like only yesterday we took Lucas to the airport and I began to prepare for the big recital weekend. I don't know what I was expecting; would the ground fall out from underneath me once I had danced on stage for the last time with CAPA? Would life even continue after that? But, here I am. And this weekend has seemed somewhat anti-climactic; it's over as quickly as it started. And that's that. I'll never get back the years I spent as a CAPA student, although I do wish I could re-do lots of parts and give 10-year-old me some advice about pirouettes and general work ethics. But that's not possible; the only thing to do is to keep moving forward.

That's exactly what I'm doing. I'll be going into a completely new phase of life in a few days, and all I can do is take the advice that I would give to Little Me and apply it to my life now. I'm sure in ten years, I'll want to come back to this moment and give myself some advice, but right now, it's up to me to guess blindly at what that advice is. This is growing up...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Lucky Me :)

I'm so lucky to have been given such wonderful friends to surround me throughout my years of school. I wish I could post on here the name of every single friend that I'll miss but there are so many of you that I wouldn't even know where to begin. To my long-time friends that I might not be as close with now, I know we'll continue to keep in touch forever, even if there may be long gaps between conversations. To my slightly newer friends that I met freshman year, I'll never forget you guys and how much of an impact you have made on the past four years. And to my brand new friends that have made the past 3 months the best EVER, I'm gonna miss you guys so much. It breaks my heart that we've gotten such a short time to really be all together, but sometimes the strongest bonds are made in the shortest amounts of time. Paris was literally one of the best weeks of my life, and this summer (as short as it has been for me) has been an unforgettable one.

I am gonna miss all my friends so much, but thank god for modern technology so that we can Skype and iChat and ooVoo and Facebook video chat (so cool) every day. You're all amazing people and I can't wait to hear everyone's amazing stories when we all reconnect in December, hopefully for another night just like tonight. :)

I love you guys. There are exactly 146 days until I can see you all again :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Push and Pull

Blogging, blogging, blogging. This is a pretty new activity for me. I'm so used to having to make my status updates "short, sweet, and to the point." Not here though!

Here, I can tell everybody (or nobody, depending on who even reads this...) exactly what is going on in my life, without annoying Facebook friends and spamming everybody's News Feed. Nor do I have to worry about collecting everybody's e-mail address and making sure I don't leave anyone out. I'm beginning to like this better already...

I can't believe there are only nine days until I move. This thought blows my mind; it seems like only last week when I told Andrew that I applied to Flinders. I did it on a whim. I realized that I had to take life by the horns (or fangs, maybe tentacles or claws?) and when you're young it's the perfect chance to see the world. I've always fantasized about going somewhere amazing, somewhere completely new for college, but never did I dream that I would literally be going to the other side of the earth.

But, here I am, preparing for the biggest adventure of my life.

My mom always told me, when dealing with the stresses and pains and angst of being an adolescent: "The worst that could happen is it kills you and eats you." And I would respond "And that's not going to happen." It always comforted me that the worst thing that was going to happen couldn't really happen at all. However, after learning some disturbing statistics about the amount of deadly and poisonous creatures on that continent, I'm starting to realize that the worst thing that could happen, really could happen.

But that's only the animals. I doubt my roommate or professors will kill me and eat me, and I will make it out of this semester alive... Unless the spiders get to me.

I haven't even begun packing... I have no idea where to begin. I look around my room at the piles of fresh (and not so fresh...) laundry that I unloaded from my drawers last week. I thought it would be smart to somehow start ahead of time... Except at this point, I'm living out of three large laundry baskets. I know deep down that there's no way I'll be able to bring every item of clothing I own, because there's just SO much of it. I also realize that yes, it's 85 degrees here in sunny southern California, but in Adelaide it's the middle of winter. And so I unpack my favorite summer dresses and sandals, and set them aside for my parents to ship to me in a few months. The heat here also makes it hard for me to choose my favorite sweaters and hoodies, since none of them sound the least bit appealing right now. I had the same problem last summer when I packed for my 3-week trip to Adelaide. The climate change just makes packing completely impossible!

And packing. Isn't packing just a metaphor for how I must mentally also prepare? I have to take with me the very important things, like how to add, subtract, multiply and divide, how to sort my laundry and to remember to hang up my bath towel so that it doesn't get musty. But I also have realized that I'm parting with some very important things, like my parents. My family. My best friends. My own bathroom... And somehow I will learn to make do without these things. I'll long for them and miss them terribly, but somehow I will learn independence and what it means to be really, truly, on my own.

Okay, maybe not THAT alone. Let's be honest, Andrew's family is the next best thing to mine. It's not like everyone around me will be speaking a foreign language (except for that weird "How ya goin'?" thing and the fact that a "mate" is not somebody that you... nevermind). It will be nice to have my best friend (and sweetheart) just a short walk from my dorm. Andrew's mom is an amazing cook, which is comforting, as I'm sure that a few weeks into the semester the one thing I'll want more than anything is a home-cooked meal. Andrew's dad is a doctor, and it's reassuring (especially to my mom) to think that I'll have top-notch medical care when I'm down undah. Andrew's siblings are starting to become like my siblings, and I'm confident that in a few months, his home will be my home-away-from-home. I even love his dogs.

There's no doubt that this decision, this adventure, is going to change my life. Who knows, maybe when I come home this winter, I'll have a sweet accent. For now, I have to enjoy the next week at home and soak up as much sun as I can before I get down to Adelaide to freeze my butt off.
